
Zija 10 Reason to use Zija Moringa Supermix Call : +6016 557 3396


This blog is about the benefits of Moringa from Zija. There has never been a more exciting time to be involved in the health and wellness industry, which is the next trillion-dollar economic sector “Everyone is looking for better health along with more financial and time freedom; with Zija, you can have it all!” Zija Mission Statement


When you work for someone, you get paid what that person has determined he is going to pay you and believe me it's never enough.

What if you could work for yourself and the amount of work you put in determines the amount of money you make? well that's what Zija International is offering you by
becoming a distributor for their product Smartmix. see product description here

The product is made up of all the nutrients found in the miracle tree Moringa ( read about moringa here www.buymoringanigeria.blogspot.com). It helps people in several ways e.g

(1) Support normal blood glucose levels
(2)Promotes healthy digestion
(3) Nourishes body's immune system
(4) Natural anti-aging benefits
(5) Anti-inflammatory support
(6)  Heightens mental clarity
(7) Increases energy

You make money marketing it and make money getting other people to become distributors too, it is called RESIDUAL INCOME which means even while you sleep you are making money.

You can be making N300,000 - N800,000 a month in this business by doing it just part-time though it is not a get rich quick scheme it's a legitimate business.

Do you know what that means? it means you can

(1)have more time for your family,
(2)be able to put your children in better school,
(3)be able to buy that second car,
(4)rent a better house or even build your own
(5)take that vacation you have always wanted,
(6)pay your school fees without bothering anyone.

The ball is in your court, you must ACT NOW because it is still new in Africa, Nigeria is the first place they are setting up and that means if you are properly positioned you will be making money from other African countries when they launch in them.

 if you don't take this opportunity now you may regret it later. With less the amount of money you can use to start any business you can start this business and make big money.

All you need is to go to www.chisomohuaka.myzija.com and click enroll fill the form and send. You can also get more information there, you can also call me on 

10 Reason to use Zija Moringa Supermix

Have reason for not getting healthier?

Photo: Chronically gone ~ :)
Top 10 Reasons to Drink Zija Moringa
1) Zija is 100% Natural
2) Naturally Boosts Energy
3) Heightens Mental Clarity
4) Promotes Healthy Circulation
5) Provides Anti-Inflammatory Support
6) Nourishes Body's Immune System
7) Provides Natural Anti - Aging Benefits
8) Promotes Healthy Digestion
9)"Encourages" Your Metabolism
10) It's Convenient and Delicious 

100% Zija Moringa Skin Care Products - 100%辣木美容护肤品 call +6016 557 3396



人们都想拥有亮丽肌肤。Zija的全套全天然抗老化护肤品——GenM护肤品系列以被誉为自然界神奇树的辣木为基本原料精心配制而成。每一项GenM产品,都是Zija的科学家、营养学家和护肤专家小组的心血结晶,能由内至外改善肤质,使肌肤焕发自然美丽光采。GenM产品对各种肤质都具有显著效果,同时能针对肌肤的状况发挥效用,使肌肤显得更健康美丽。人体肌肤可能每天每周不断变化,也可能因季节的转变及荷尔蒙分泌改变而异。我们拒绝在此令人感觉美好的产品中添加任何对羟基苯甲酸酯、化学物或有害人体的人造物质。 GenM满足世世代代的抗老化需求,让您“内在健康,外在亮丽”!












Zija 精华油





  • 使用洁面乳洁净肌肤,使肌肤作好准备吸收其它养分(早晚使用)。
  • 使用保湿喷雾,以让脸部和全身肌肤一整天保持清爽湿润(早晚使用)。
  • 使用日霜滋养和保护肌肤(早上使用)。
  • 使用抗老化修复晚霜促进皮肤再生(晚上使用)。


  • 使用眼部精华液滋润眼睛周围纤细的肌肤。
  • 在出现角质层、轻微割伤、或干燥受损之处局部搽上Zija 油。
  • 根据需要,每周敷上深层洁净面膜1至2次


Join my Zija moringa Malaysia team now! http://drinklifein.com running business in 46 countries/ worldwide., This is your last chance to change your Family life! Ask me how? call: +6016 557 3396

Zija Moringa KL,KK,Johor, Penang,Sabah, Sarawak Brunei, Singapore, Hong Kong, Phlippines, Taiwan, Thailand,Vietnam ,join here 60-16 557 3396 JiaJia

What are you looking for? What are you waiting for? Lose weight / Gain Weight & business opportunity! Earn us$ 3,000-6,000/week-part time! Ask me how? visit  http://2701065.myzija.com/enrollment_new2014.html   / Buy Zija moringa -Supermix products here @RM380.00/box 2 sachets )  30 days money back guarentee.  If you are serious 

Zija Malaysia to worldwide : Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Canada,Brunei, maxico +6016 557 3396

Zija Opportunity 2014 Opens up whole world 60-16 557 3396 JiaJia

Join my Lose weight programme rm380.00 x 2 boxes .( @box-32 sachets/ per box)= RM760.00- 2 months supply - (30 days money back guarentee)  http://www.greenqstyle.myzija.com/  ,http://drinklifein.com / buy Zija Moringa products here, http://2701065.myzija.com/enrollment_new2014.html  we will courier all over malaysia  .within 3-5 working days. more detail call:6016 - 557 3396. Sabah & Sarawak & Brunei/ Zija Moringa healthy lifestyle coach.


Zija International Scientist Top 頂尖科學 call:60-16 557 3396 JiaJia we chat : drink4life

Zija辣木營養減肥超有效療百病,全亞洲開發市場倍增收入的網路事業,中國大陸人仕可加入,美商付您獎金.需者微信: Moringa 6016 557 3396 註冊 www.greenqstyle.myzija.com

Zija International



Rodney Larsen �" 執行長

Michael Hershberger �" 運營長

Zija International 頂尖科學 Scientist top
Dial into today's Zija "Ask the Scientist" Call to hear from Dr. Joshua Plant, Zija's Vice President of Research and Development. He'll unveil his latest findings as well as answer commonly asked questions from the field. Invite friends, family, and all prospects who are interested in learning about Zija's products and nutrition!

“Everyone is looking for better health along with more financial and time freedom; with Zija, you can have it all!” 
join us enrollment at  www.greenqstyle.myzija.com



2006 年,我們對奇跡之樹辣木的熱誠,促使我們擔負起幫助人們健康生活的使命。在配方實驗室工作數月,組合這種生命之樹的所有營養成分後,我們選擇了獨特和專有 的辣木混合物,因為它有出色的營養特性 �" 一種完全的植物蛋白,包括抗氧化劑、歐米加油、維生素和礦物質。我們的原創產品以時邁德飲料起步,但它持續不斷地給我們製造的每一個產品帶來啟迪。


Introduction to Zija International & Moringa Oleifera (HD) + 6016 557 3396